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Handlekurven er tom
Our pocket knives, table knives, kitchen knives, gardening tools are made in France in our factory based in Chambéry in Savoy*.
The Chambéry factory employs 130 people, 75 of whom are directly involved in production.
To accompany business development, 2,000m2 of industrial buildings were added to the existing 4,000m2 (1,500m2 in 2015 and 500m2 in 2018)
In 2019, 5.5 million items were sold in more than 70 countries around the world for a turnover of 26 million euros, 45% of which was made through exports.
The American subsidiary Opinel USA was founded in Chicago in 2016, and markets the products from the brand in the United States.
*excepted the following products which are developed in Chambéry and manufactured by our partner in Portugal: hand pruner, Parallèle and Intempora kitchen knives, spreading knives and vegetable knives.
Garden saw blades and sheaths are made in Asia. The kitchen and table linen is made in France by the company Tissage Moutet.