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Rosta Garmach norge

ROSTA Scientific Production Company was founded in 2000 in Melitopol, Ukraine.

Launching of own production caused more active approach to finding and expanding of the trade area for the products. Rhythmic production work required harmonious interaction of all employees of the company.

Therefore, along with the launch of production, the structuring of company departments was carried out.Since that time, we have the following subdivisions: manufacturing, agrotechnological, logistics, training and research center.

All of them are aimed at the development, testing, production, training and formation of own distribution network.

Production, the complexity of its products and technologies always corresponded to the level of consumers request and often went ahead of them.

Development of technology in vegetable growing causes the application of appropriate technology. With the development of vegetable production on an industrial basis, we have been developing the respective machines that perform the various processes in horticulture.

Designing our machinery, we aim to take into account international experience and ensure the machines quality at the highest world standard level. Our products have been patented in the CIS countries, the European Union and the United States. The European certificates have been received.

Today our products are well known in many countries around the world. The ROSTA Europe ST companyhas been organized due to access to the international level of our products and increase of its demand.

Complication of the machinery and stricter requirements for its quality, cost and competitiveness entail continuous improvement of processes in its production and labor organization.

Our production has a complete set of equipment of any complexity for the release of more than 100 items of machinery and equipment for vegetable production and drip irrigation systems.

The whole process of machinery design and setting is accomplished in electronic form on a software, specially designed and adapted for our conditions.

Especially high requirements are lodged to engineering and technical staff.

Today, enterprise-based seminars and trainings on our products are held, farmers and distributor from many countries as well as the representatives of leading universities taking part in them.

The task of the ROSTA company is timely and quality service of vegetable production distributors and manufacturers in Europe, as well as consulting and training at the place of our product use.

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