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Ombygging til 2 hjul, set


Ombygging til 2 hjul, Set

Basis-hakken "Berg 500" som har ett hjul, kan med hjelp av dette settet bygges om til to-hjuling "Berg 600"

Glaser Engineering

Glaser Engineering

About us

We have over 50 years of experience in steel forming and tool manufacturing.

Most of our tools and implements were not developed on the drawing board, but are the result of close collaboration with professional gardeners, vegetable growers and research institutions. The result is that our tools have a worldwide reputation as the best quality tools.

Our philosophy:

  • To produce only quality tools which in relation to finish, materials and surface treatment are among the best on the market.
  • Our quality is continuously checked with the most accurate methods of quality control.
  • To give attention to our customers and to keep them informed about new developments.
  • To consider the information, needs and suggestions of the people who use our tools regularly.

Our best advertisement is the excellent judgement of our customers.

Relaterte produkter

  • Bilde av Hjulhakke Berg 500

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