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Ploskorez "all mighty"


Ploskorez / Russian flat cutter 

"all mighty"

denne er den breieste Ploskorez i rekken, til hypping og flytting av masse, og godt egnet til tyngre jordarbeiding.

En flatcutter eller "ploskorez" er et meget allsidig verktøy. Solid lettvekter som kan brukes til alt fra torvbryting til jordflytting og luking. Hvis du kvesser den, fungerer den til og med som ljå.

Kommer uten skaft, som man enkelt lager selv av en to meter lang lekt 1"×2" som pusses med sandpapir og bores to hull i.

Det er tre hull i Ploskorez, men den festes kun med to bolter. du velger selv, hvilken hull du bruker i forhold til vinkelen som passer ditt bruk.

se info om ploskorez på YouTube her

Produsert av oppfinneren, Vladimir Fokin.

Vladimir Fokin

Vladimir Fokin

Ploskorez (Fokin hoe, flat-cutter) - permaculture tool from Russia

The most important thing in the original tool is the quality of metal. Jenuine Fokin Hoe, (flat-cutter) is made of structural spring steel (steel grade 65G), which has undergone special processing - annealing, hardening, tempering and sharpening.

Flat-cutter user manual

* The basic principle of working with a flat-cutter is to move it parallel to the surface of the soil. Quite often this rule is violated, and the gardener rightly resents: "What is the point in it? It's an ordinary chopper, only the price is higher!"...

* The tool should be fitted for yourself, considering your height and working arm (right or left). To do this, change the angle of inclination of the blade - directly or at an angle - using fixing bolts and holes. Proper adjustment of the tool does not allow the gardener to bend over too much, and the tool blade cannot be immersed heavily in the ground.

The blade is fixed at 4 different positions

* The handle for flat-cutter must be FLAT! Flat handle allows you to fit the flat-cutter at different angles for various jobs.

* The blade needs to be sharpened regularly. It is easier and 2 times more efficient to work with a sharpened blade! When sharpening, be careful not to round the sharpening angles.

* Keep your back straight, your body slightly tilt

* Hold handle so that your thumbs "look" up.

Every time you go to the garden - pick up a flat-cutter! To understand the charm of this tool, you need to work with it constantly! Look for the desired and convenient length of the handle, angle of the blade fitting. Watch yourself!

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